Positive Relationship Stories

It’s in the nature of social media that people tend to post negative information. One of the most common topics, naturally, is relationships.

I haven’t yet been in a relationship with a local woman since moving here, but I’m sure I will soon enough.

Would be great for people to share the successful, happy experiences they’ve had dating locals. Could be boyfriend/girlfriend, marriage, whatever. Sometimes reading this (and other) subs, I feel apprehensive about entering into relationships with locals. Which I know is not rational, but it’s a hard feeling to shake sometimes.

Really hoping there are a decent number of people with nice stories to share. Could be a soppy love story or just a one sentence “married with kids, all good”.


EDIT: I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who’s shared really heartwarming stories of finding love in Japan. It can be hard to visualize how many “good endings” there must be when it’s so easy to get focused on the nightmare stories. Hope you all continue to have really great, successful relationships!

by Garl_Vinland201

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