Zamami. Worth saving for a future sunny day vs thunderstorm (day trip advice )

My wife and I are currently on the main island have been doing some diving. We had a day trip to Zamami planned for Tuesday via the ferry, but the forecast looks rough (high winds, 24+ hours of steady rain with 1.25 inches/31mm accumulation and thunderstorms).

We visit Japan often and can reschedule our Zamami trip for later this year AND we have the added option to change our flights and fly back to Tokyo a day earlier.

From what I could tell, Zamami is very much an outdoor beach and sun destination. Since we’ll be taking the ferry without a car and planned to get around by bicycle, I’m wondering:

Would we regret postponing? Is there some secret part that’s largely covered where we wouldn’t be getting piss rained on and ending up hating it after long, wet, and miserable day 🤣

Appreciate any thoughts!

by Sagnew

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