Moving out of japan. Missed trash day

So im moving out of japan and my apartment is one of those that comes completely empty so when i move out it has to be completely empty too. I have set up trash collection for big items like kotatsu, couch and the bed. My problem is the smaller non burnable stuff like some drawers from muji, frying pan, clothes hanger. They only collect these nonburnable trash once a month in my area and i looked at the wrong area on the list and thought it was on a later date. Today checking it again i found out i missed the date and it was last week. Would it be ok to throw them out anyway even if its not the correct day for the trash? On a side note ive seen them just leave the trash at the trash area if its not the correct day and they collect it on the day it is. I really just kinda feel bad since it is quite a bit of stuff to throw out and leave there.

by ProfessionalFront938

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