Assessing HSP Visa Points /Chances at IT Career in Japan?

Hello all,

I’ve considered the idea of moving to Japan for a few years now, though at a time arriving at the conclusion it was next to impossible from where I was standing back then. Since starting my IT career and bachelors degree, this interest returned and I would like to get a review on the feasibility of finding a job in Japan and qualifying for PR down the line. Some of my sources for points are not clearly defined in the points chart so I have added (*) on the ones I am confused about.

Job Seeking Qualifications: (Let’s assume everything stays the same after 1 year in Japan to calculate HSP points (except years of experience))

1. Education: Bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity (2025) – 10 Points

2. Certifications: ITPEC Level 2 (Fundamental Engineer) (I was a 2024 registrant that moved my application to the 2025 exam— Should qualify as foreign certificate if passed) (2025) – 5 Points

3. Work Experience: Cumulative 3 years in IT, including helpdesk and security roles, with an anticipated 2 additional years in development.** Can I clump work experience together this way when applying to jobs? Does my bachelor degree projects count towards experience as well? (2026) – 5 Points

4. Age: Under 30 on arrival / at time of HSP Application/ After 1st year on HSP (2026) – 15 Points

5. Expected Salary: ¥5M – ¥6M** (Will my achievements lead to a potentially higher starting salary?) – 15 Points

6. Japanese Level: Pursuing JLPT N2 (2026) -10 Points. I have studied the language for a year on and off due to thinking it wouldn’t be possible, now intensely studying again for a few hours a day.

Total Points: 60/70

If I make it that far, I am likely to try for N1 while in Japan in the 3rd year for +10 points , or get my Masters for the same extra +10 points through accelerated methods. Doing both would simply not be possible in the time frame of being under 30. I am 26 now.


Considering that ITPEC has its own preferential immigration treatment with fast-tracking PR, I think I would still have a backup for the 1-3 years fastrack. I hope this time around, there’s actually a chance of making this happen. What do you think?

by Fantastical_jp

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