What credit card did you end up using? Did you get a “special” or new card just for the trip? Just used an existing?
For any of my border city friends out there, did you fly out of USA or out of Canada? Where I’m at, I’m closer to a USA airport than Canadian, but I’m concerned about double duty (har har) or getting food items confiscated if I bring it back to the States as a non-American, where I should be fine in Canada. Any experiences? No noticeable price difference that I’ve seen.
Since I’m posting, a general question – when do you find the best time to book a flight ahead of your trip? I always hear about that “sweet spot” that people mention as if common knowledge, but I see conflicting information online. When I looked about 10-11 months out, the round trip was $3k per person (CAD) then a week later it dropped to around $2k per person, now it’s around $2.3k. Assuming that’s around the best price for nonstop flight?
As well, if the flight says 16:00(+1), that basically means you’ll arrive 16:00 the next day, so I’d book a Thursday flight to land on a Friday there, correct? Book a Monday to land on a Monday on the way back?
by DesignerFearless