Taxes when leaving country

Hi, I have a bit of a weird situation. I asked in the tax office but the guy who helped me didn’t seem to be very confident so I would like to confirm here.

I’m working in Japan for the Japanese branch of a british company.

I’m leaving my residence in Japan next Monday, but I will keep working for this company for two more months remotely: I will travel for few months before going back to the UK and setting my permanent residence there.

My plan is to do the tenshutsu todoke in my ward this week to lose my residence before I leave. But to NOT surrender my residence card until my contract finishes in August (my visa is a HSFP). I will come back to Japan for few days in August to do it.

From a tax perspective:

– My company will do my tax adjustment in August when they close my contract
– The last two months I will pay income taxes as a non-resident (20%)
– I’m also vesting RSUs. I will have to do a final assessment next March to pay taxes over this. In the same way, as I’m not a resident anymore, I will pay 20% taxes over all the RSUs vested during 2024.

This is the advice I got. Is it correct?


by cpolie

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