Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block Standings as of May 22 (3 B Block shows left)

Hello [r/njpw](

We’re back with another block standing analysis post. This time, it’s B Block’s turn for a look-see.

There have been quite a few developments over in B Block, both inside and outside the ring. My heartfelt well-wishes go out to Francesco Akira. I hope you recover quickly and completely. However, his exit from the BOSJ has changed the landscape of B Block considerably. It’s not quite as flat as A Block is, and we’ve seen a contention elimination even before this past show, but nonetheless there’s still a lot to be said, so I’ll say it all.

First, a bit of admin. Usually, I don’t start looking at ties until the 2nd last day. However, because of the forfeit results for Akira’s remaining matches, my dataset has shrunk just enough to start taking draw results into account for the odds in this post, so do note that those are included. However, I still won’t be going into detail on ties until the next post.

Also, I’m making a change to my draw calculations. For this tournament, I’ll be giving draw results for each match a half weight in each person’s chances of winning, so the more ties a certain outcome will need, the less weight it’ll hold in the final number. For those of you who don’t care about the math and just care about the number, it means that a person will have a lower number if they rely too much on draws to qualify.

Lastly, as usual, [you may also view my BOSJ 31 results summary page here]( I’m manually updating it as we go along the tournament. It contains the schedule of the matches, results, and a summary of the top 20 best matches of the tournament (based on CageMatch Ratings).

With all that out of the way, let’s have a look at the standings

# B Block Standings

|Robbie Eagles|TMDK|10|5-2|In|
|Taiji Ishimori|BULLET CLUB|8|4-2|In|
|KUSHIDA|Main Unit|8|4-2|In|
|Drilla Moloney|BULLET CLUB War Dogs|8|4-2|In|
|Hiromu Takahashi|Los Ingobernables de Japon|8|4-2|In|
|DOUKI|Just 5 Guys|8|4-3|In|
|Ninja Mack|Pro Wrestling NOAH|4|2-4|Very Slim Odds (<0.1%)|
|Francesco Akira|UNITED EMPIRE|4|2-7|Out (Forfeit)|
|Dragon Dia|Dragongate|0|0-6|Out|

Like I said, we’ve already had some contention eliminations in B Block, and the field isn’t as flat as A Block’s (1 10-point difference between the top and bottom of the block, vs A Block’s 4-point difference). However, there are still 7 guys with 8 points and above, but even that isn’t as level as it may seem. What do I mean? Well, let’s get into it, starting with our sole block leader …

# 1) Robbie Eagles

* 10 pts: 5 wins, 2 losses
* 51.8% to go to the playoffs:
* 31.2% as #1
* 20.6% as #2
* Best Wins: KUSHIDA \[8\], Moloney \[8\], SHO \[8\]
* Worst Losses: Ishimori \[8\]

Up first, we have the man who benefited the most from Akira’s forfeits. Zooming to the top of B Block is Robbie Eagles, who, thanks to Akira’s forfeit and his own win over Dragon Dia on this past show, became the first person in the tournament to hit 10 points and is the reigning block leader of B Block.

Even disregarding the gimme from Akira, Eagles would still be in a strong position. He has a number of strong wins over current top contenders, and only a single loss of consequence, which isn’t terrible in a format that takes the top two winners. The forfeit win also means that he has less matches left to worry about, so that’s both less physical strain on himself and less variability in his chances. Overall, Akira dropping out was a good thing for Eagles.

All Eagles has to worry about now are his two remaining matches. However, they will not be easy. Up next will be a real test as he takes on Hiromu Takahashi on the next show. After that battle, he’ll have a bit of a break before facing Douki on the last day of B Block competition. Can Eagles make his first journey past the block phase of a BOSJ? He’ll have to beat some tough opponents in the next week to do it, but he’s pretty damn close.

# 2) Taiji Ishimori

* 8 pts: 4 wins, 2 losses
* 27.5% to go to the playoffs:
* 15.8% as #1
* 11.7% as #2
* Best Wins: Eagles \[10\], DOUKI \[8\]
* Worst Losses: KUSHIDA \[8\]

Taiji Ishimori holds on to a solid second place spot in B Block, and that’s mainly because he’s the only one in B Block with at least 8 points who has beaten block leader Robbie Eagles. That means that if he can close the gap with Eagles, he’ll be in prime position to take the #1 spot in the block, and considering he’s still got a match to give behind Eagles, it’s a solid possibility.

But where will that victory have to come from? Well, his next two opportunities will come from Bullet Club brothers. He takes on the War Dogs’ Drilla Moloney on the 26th, and House of Torture’s Sho on the 28th. These all-Bullet Club matches don’t tend to go too hard, but they are also incredibly unpredictable, so anything goes for Ishimori. Lastly, he’ll have to take on his perennial rival here in New Japan for his final match: Hiromu Takahashi. It’s a funky final phase for Ishimori, but he certainly has the tools to make it through. It’s just a matter of putting it all together, and Ishimori can make it out of the blocks for the first time since 2018.


* 8 points: 4 wins, 2 losses
* 26.4% to go to the playoffs:
* 11.3% as #1
* 15.1% as #2
* Best Wins: Ishimori \[8\], Hiromu \[8\], SHO \[8\]
* Worst Losses: Eagles \[10\], Moloney \[8\]

The former BOSJ winner has racked up an impressive record here in this year’s tournament, especially considering his performance last year. He went on a hot streak to start this year, acquiring several strong wins. However, he’s faltered in the past few shows, and his two losses could prove fatal to him at the close of the block phase. His loss to Eagles means he’s much more likely to come in second, but that’s alright in this format. Still, he need to keep pace if he wants his shot.

So who does that mean for Kushida? Well, because he’s dealt with most of the top of this block, his last few matches will be against relatively low-performing wrestlers. The only 8-pointer he has yet to face is Douki, and that’ll happen on the 28th, while his other two matches will be against people at the bottom of the block: Ninja Mack on the 26th and Dragon Dia on the 31st. It seems like an easier road than some of the others, but wild things can happen in the final days of these tournaments. Kushida better be careful, lest he gets spoiled.

# 4) Drilla Moloney

* 8 points: 4 wins, 2 losses
* 26.4% to go to the playoffs:
* 13.5% as #1
* 12.9% as #2
* Best Wins: KUSHIDA \[8\], DOUKI \[8\]
* Worst Losses: Eagles \[10\], SHO \[8\]

It was a rough start for the Drilla, dropping his first two matches to significant opponents. However, like his nickname, the man has broken through the ranks, winning his last 4 matches, and even taking out Akira from the competition altogether. He now sits within an arms-reach of the playoffs. Still, those losses do haunt him, especially the one to Eagles, and he’ll need some extra help to make it out.

If he wants big wins, though, he’ll certainly have the opportunity to get them, because his next two matches will be doozies. First up is Hiromu on the 26th, followed by Ishimori on the 28th. If he can win both of those matches, He’s pretty much guaranteed to make the playoffs. After that, he’ll just have to wrap up his tournament against the crowd favorite Ninja Mack.

# 5) Hiromu Takahashi

* 8 points: 4 wins, 2 losses
* 25.9% to go to the playoffs:
* 14.7% as #1
* 11.2% as #2
* Best Wins: SHO \[8\]
* Worst Losses: KUSHIDA \[8\], DOUKI \[8\]

The last of the guys with 4-2 records in B Block is Hiromu. While his score keeps him in the top half of the block, closer inspection reveals that it’s not an incredibly strong position. He has some tough losses, including to Kushida, while all of his wins come from the bottom half of the block. He has yet to acquire any really significant wins to help break potential ties.

So you know what that means? That’s right. It means that he’ll be having a gauntlet for his final stretch of matches, with all of them being against current contenders. It’ll be Robbie Eagles on the 26th, Drilla Moloney on the 28th, and Taiji Ishimori on the 31st. He’s had prior history with all of them, and they’ve all been in top form this tournament, so he’s got his work cut out for him in the toughest final matches of the Block. Do you believe in Hiromu?

# 6) DOUKI

* 8 points: 4 wins, 3 losses
* 11.2% to go to the playoffs:
* 3.5% as #1
* 7.7% as #2
* Biggest Wins: Hiromu \[8\]
* Worst Losses: Ishimori \[8\], Moloney \[8\], SHO \[8\]

Next up is Douki. At 8 points, this is Douki’s best ever performance in a BOSJ. However, there’s a significant drop-off from Hiromu to him, despite them having the same point total, and that’s because of the Akira drop-out. It’s given both DOUKI and the #7 guy a win ahead of time. However, while on the surface it seems to have leveled things out, what it hides is the fact that they have less time to make up ground. Their score-ceiling is down to 12 points (as opposed to 14 for everyone above them), which is only just enough to hit that magic 12-point total typically needed to make it past the blocks. thus, he has little room for error, almost needing to win his next two matches in addition to needing a lot of help as he has lost some major matches (Bullet Club has been the bane of Douki’s tournament).

So what does Douki have to do to hit 12? Well, first he has a long break from tournament competition, as he was supposed to face Akira on the next show. Instead, his next tournament match will be against Kushida on the 28th, followed by Robbie Eagles on the last day. It’ll be a technical test of Douki’s skills. Will he pass the exam, or will Douki Chokey?

# 7) SHO

* 8 points: 4 wins, 3 losses
* 7.3% to go to the playoffs:
* 1.5% as #1
* 5.8% as #2
* Biggest Wins: Moloney \[8\], DOUKI \[8\]
* Worst Losses: Eagles \[10\], KUSHIDA \[8\], Hiromu \[8\]

The final 8-pointer is the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion himself, Sho. Despite being the junior champ, Sho has not had a great performance in this year’s tournament. Losses to Eagles, Kushida, and Hiromu are all terribly damaging, and will make it difficult to qualify for the playoffs, even if he does make 12. He’ll need all of them to falter badly if he wants to win this tournament.

As for himself, he needs to stay on track. His next match will be against the winless Dragon Dia, so that should be a very winnable match for him. After that, he closes his tournament early, because his final match was supposed to be against Akira on the final block day. Instead, his final block match will be against Taiji Ishimori on the 28th. We’ll see if Sho can climb out of this hole he’s dug for himself.

# 8) Ninja Mack

* 4 points: 2 wins, 4 losses
* 0.002% to go to the playoffs as #2
* Biggest Wins: Eagles \[10\]
* Worst Losses: Ishimori \[8\], Hiromu \[8\], DOUKI \[8\], SHO \[8\]

The last wrestler (technically) left in contention is Noah’s Ninja Mack. He had some spectacular wins to begin this tournament, beating current block leader Robbie Eagles in his first BOSJ match, but consecutive losses to the biggest names in this tournament have sent Mack plummeting down the block. It’ll take a miracle for Mack to make the playoffs.

His remaining matches will still certainly be spectacles, though, I’m sure. Kushida on the 26th, Dragon Dia on the 28th, and Drilla Moloney on the 31st. Regardless of how it turns out, though, Ninja Mack has certainly caught eyes from around the world, so at the very least, he’ll have that to take away from the tournament.

# 9) Francesco Akira

* 4 points: 2 wins, 7 losses
* Eliminated from contention (forfeit)

It’s an unfortunate situation for young Akira. while his early performance wasn’t really something to write home about, it’s still a shame that he isn’t able to close the tournament on his own terms. Get well soon, Francesco.

# 10) Dragon Dia

* 0 points: 0 wins, 6 losses
* Eliminated from contention

Finally, we have Dragon Dia. While his last minute inclusion in this BOSJ as a replacement was an honorable one, he has yet to put together anything to show for it. At this point, I think his only real goal is to not close this tournament on a goose egg, and maybe spoil someone on the way out.

His next matches aren’t too momentous, as he faces two guys in the bottom of the block. That being said, if he can win his next match against the IWGP Jr. Champion Sho, then that may make this whole journey worth it. After that will be Ninja Mack, who’s hanging by a thread himself and will likely be eliminated from contention by that point. However, his final match against Kushida may be his biggest opportunity left. If he can prove himself against a former ace of New Japan’s Junior division, it would be a huge deal for him. Let’s see if he can do it.

# What’s Next?

The next show will be another double-block day for the BOSJ. With Akira out, only 4 B Block matches are scheduled for the show. the biggest ones will be the top 2, as they feature guys very much still in contention. The first is Ishimori vs Moloney, who are practically neck-and-neck in this race, and the second is Hiromu vs Eagles, the ace vs the block leader. We’ll also have Kushida vs Ninja Mack and Sho vs Dragon Dia in a pari fo 8-pointer vs outsider matches. Can Robbie extend his lead, or will there be a massive pile-up at the 10-point mark? A lot can go down for B Block on this next show.

That’ll be all for this post. I’ll be rounding up the A Block summary for this past show shortly. Fortunately, we have a bit of a break until the next show, so I’ll have some time to breath.

Until then, thanks for reading! See you next post.

by MarcoTalin

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