Moving to Japan but concerned about Yen value

Not yet confirmed but if so I’d move to Japan in the near future, although I’m pretty concerned about the Yen’s value. I’m currently in Canada paid in CAD, high income especially thanks to RSUs (in a US account), and a lot of RSUs will vest over the next two years. When they vest, part of it is automatically taken to pay income tax, I sell the rest and move it to my CAD account and invest it.

My plan was to move to Japan, same job, same company, remote work, and decide if I want to stay longer after two years. I’d be paid in Yen and I’d have a pay cut, but I’m worried about how badly the Yen might perform and hence I’d want to shield as much of my revenue from the Yen, ideally in USD or CAD for what’s already in my CAD accounts although my desire is to eventually cut all financial ties to Canada.

Other than “don’t move to Japan”, and “talk to a professional” which I will do, what do you think would be a good way to lower exposure to the Yen until I figure if I want to stay permanently? I really don’t need much money to live comfortably so I could keep all my current investments in my US and CAD accounts, only moving some if I wanted to buy a house or to cover an occasional large expense if I can’t cover it with the revenue made from my pay and invested in Japan.

Note this is post tax, not about avoid taxes.


by A_CAD_in_Japan

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