Student to Full-time Work and POLO/OEC – Question for Filipinos in Japan

I saw 1 thread like 2-years back [here](, but it had conflicting answers and in the end it wasn’t answered fully.

To preface, I left the Philippines as a student. I’ve graduated this year, and was able to secure a job contract for a big corporation, so I converted my residence card to reflect the change from “Student” to “Work” (Humanities/Engineer/International Service). No issues here, conversion process went smoothly.

Then, I’ve started work and like a month into it, I asked a friend who’s also in the same scenario as me, and she mentioned this near-impossible hoop that needs to happen to declare ourselves as OFW, and she doesn’t know the process either.

My main concern is that I believe it’s not possible (with very few exemptions) to direct hire a Filipino. It must go through the appropriate channels and stuff. But like, in my case, I’m already here, and got the job (and already working). If I wanted to go back to the Philippines to visit family over the holidays, I’d most likely be blocked from exiting since I’d need like the proper documents to go out, even though I’ve been working here already.

As an individual, are there things I can do to declare myself as an OFW now, without having to go back to the PH and do all the reviews/documents/etc.? I tried Googling online, but couldn’t find a concrete answer, so I’d like to ask here.

I’d also be happy if anyone can refer me to an immigration lawyer that I could talk to/assist me regarding this.

Thank you for your time!

by Top_Wash_9626

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