New Japan Wrestlers as the Seven Deadly Sins

What up, Uces? I’m a little bored at work right now but I have been pretty obsessed with [Insert famous figure] as the Seven Deadly Sins I have been seeing on YouTube as I really enjoy the insight of public figure. I would like to see everyone’s opinions on a certain wrestlers’ quirks (lack of a better word) and how it fits.

I figured I come to post with a little twist that it can be any wrestler who had been involved in New Japan and it can be either kayfabe or not. I thought this could be a fun and productive discussion because we all can use some fun from time to time.

Just in case if anyone is not familiar with the 7 deadly sins and what they mean.

Pride – An excessive sense of self.

Lust – Intense desire or pleasure. Usually sexual.

Gluttony – Overconsumption.

Greed – Love of possessions.

Sloth – Laziness.

Wrath – Uncontrolled hatred or anger.

Envy – Intense jealousy of another’s talents or success

Okay! Comments, fire away!

by mynameisburner

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