Reminder – all of the current finishers for the Reiwa 4 are only temporary

Shota – with Shota this is especially apparent, since he really doesn’t have a concrete finisher apart from Death Rider. Now that he’s retired Moxley’s jacket, a new finisher is probably set for an imminent debut. G1??

Narita – Double Cross works for now, but Nooj main event matches are built on thousands of finisher reversals and cool ways to hit your finish out of nowhere. Double Cross is not built for those scenarios, and I’d say Narita will switch to some crazy submission sooner than later.

Tsuji – as cool as a Spear is, it’s marginalized in 2024 and not really as devastating as it used to be. Spear is actually the opposite of Double Cross – lots and lots of ways to hit it and is perfect for counters. Problem is is that Tsuji’s Spear is supposed to be sold in a “blow me away”, Nick Nemeth type of selling, which most top guys either wouldn’t or couldn’t do.

Uemura – ANYTHING is better than Deadbolt.

Suggestions for all four:

Shota – some variation of Diamond Dust.

Narita – I love the Lotus Lock, nobody’s been using that move in ages. It’s a devastating looking submission and would fit Narita well. As far as the name, I’m feeling Torture Wheel would be good.

Tsuji – Fenix, upon his heel turn in Lucha Underground, used a move called Black Fire Driver. It’s a Muscle Buster transitioned into like a Spinning Powerbomb, and it looked great. Give it to Tsuji and call it the Meteor Rain Driver.

Uemura – I think a Bicycle Kick version of Claymore would work really well. Sudden and impactful.

by DawnOfLegion1

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