Looking for a specific ingredient I used in Japan

Last year I had done a semester in Japan, during which I accidentally purchased [Ajishio](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71p7JcR5abL.jpg) while looking for regular salt. It’s a kind of salt that has added MSG, and I thought that it would be a basic enough cooking item that I’d be able to find it again once I was back in Canada. Not the case! I’ve looked at a few Asian grocery stores here (including one that specializes in Japanese products) and haven’t been able to find it (at least not the plain version, I’ve found versions with pepper mixed in but they’re not what I’m looking for).

I know that Ajinomoto does have plenty of products that are sold here (like the MSG powder or some soup bases), so I’m sure Ajishio can be found here somewhere, but would it be sold under a different name? Or do I just need to look in more places?

by diaboo

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