Quitting without giving notice. Repercussions?

My boss is an absolute asshole and I want to quit. I’m just office staff, nothing senior or technical but I am a full time employee. Without giving reasons I feel I can no longer work there and if possible not give notice. I’m on a spousal visa.

  1. After quitting you might still need info from them tax adjustment, pension info. Do you have paid time off? If so use that up to make the one month notice less. That’s what I see people do.

  2. You should give two weeks notice (Japanese labor law) and take 10 days paid leave (if you have it)
    Or if you have more than 10, take all the leave you have because you lose it if you don’t use it.
    It’s quitting without notice but you keep your health insurance for a few weeks more.

  3. If you want to stop going into work from tomorrow, you can absolutely do that. Its called 仕事を飛ぶ or バックレる and people working for black companies do it all the time. Your company will probably fire you if just stop showing up, so you get no 退職金 (if you had any in the first place) and you are obligated to tell your next employer that you were fired from your previous job afaik.

    Probably best to hand in your two week notice and tough it out still, but if you can’t stomach that there are options.

  4. It’s better to give notice if you want to find another job. Of course, I say that without knowing what you’re being subjected to, but if you can endure it a couple of weeks longer it would be better to leave with notice for the sake of your future prospects.

  5. Get yourself on sick leave. Whatever happened at your work place, it probably gave you depression, so go with that.

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