Unemployment + paternity leave

Hi everyone,

Seeking some assistance/opinions on the best way to move forward.

Background info

*Moved to Japan 3 years ago, have been employed the whole time

*Currently working in a foreign company and since I couldn’t move prefectures to continue working, I will be exiting the company as ‘agreed resignation’ based on company circumstances 会社都合 late July, HR saying I should be able to receive hello work quickly

*Also working freelance, avg around 8-12万 a month (possibility of taking on more projects due to losing full time job)

*Second child due end of november (1st is 2.5yrs old and goes to day-care)

*Spouse (Japanese) self-employed running business in the house (english teaching to kids) and does some freelancing to round out the income to an average salary

*We also paying house mortgage


With the 2nd child due in November and my wife self-employed and unable to take too much time off, the initial plan was that I would take paternity leave until the 2nd child can go to child care (likely from April 2026) and then return to work as normal. With less than 6 months until birth, if I was successful in finding a new job, I feel like it’s unlikely I can take paternity leave or extended time off as I will still be in the probationary period.

So I’m stuck feeling like is it better to;

A) Survive on freelance and try to pick up other gyoumu itaku work until the baby is born and then reduce the projects and try to balance it around daddy duties. Alternatively, not sure if there is any financial support or if i can claim unemployment benefits from hellowork at this time

*is it possible to delay the application at hello work since the benefit period is only 90 days?

*usually city hall pays some financial aid for having kids, but is there anything else that can be accessed as I won’t be able to start a new job

B) Try to find any kind of job and continue freelancing outside of work to maximize savings until the baby is born and leave the company if they can’t permit the time off or guarantee a job on return

C) Try to find any kind of job that has more flexible shift times so that it doesn’t clash with wife’s work in the afternoons/evenings (like factory work) and not take paternity leave or try to around at least a month or two of unpaid leave at the start

D) Claim unemployment benefits and delay freelancing work as not allowed to do any kind of work whilst receiving hellowork – i’ve seen posters say previously that if you are freelancing or planning to open a business hellowork wont pay anything, no matter how small the income

E) Something else

My priorities are definitely to help my wife sustain her business and can’t pressure her to take time off. We also have minimal support from family for caring during the times we need (most of her family works afternoons/evenings too).

Thank you for any advice or suggestions in advance.

by thestrongtuna

1 comment
  1. Just regarding (D), childcare leave money also comes from hello work. So if you were in childcare leave, you’d also need to stop the freelance work too during childcare leave

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