I think Oiwa should return with a faction.

Maybe it’s too early but why not. Oiwa when he returns should come back with a faction. I think Oiwa has shown a ton of potential since going on excursion in Noah. He showed a what he can do in WTL and he kept growing the more opportunities he got in Noah. And with Oiwa seemingly being a heel and potentially closing the end of his excursion. Oiwa’s return has to feel impactful like Tsuji’s return last year. Tsuji looked like a star the moment he returned. Oiwa coming back with his own faction would be unexpected. It would be different and a fresh idea from the company instead of putting him in a current faction in the promotion.

His faction Mates:

* Luke Jacobs- Bruiser(Midcard/Potential Main Eventer)
* Katsuhiko Nakajima – Upper Level Heavyweight(Main Eventer)
* The Velocities – Junior Team

Those 4 guys are fresh talent that haven’t wrestled for new japan and their all great talent to have in the mix. They give fresh matches and feuds that we need in the promotion. And having a young talent being a faction leader who put a young guy in the spotlight which should be the main focus for new japan right now.

by DeathTriangle720

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