Why was I suddenly accepted for Rakuten Card / Given a 5 year visa?

So, I’ve been living in Japan since I was 16. I am now in my late (late) twenties.

I’m just curious. I’ve been applying for Rakuten Credit Card about once a year since I turned 18 and have been rejected every single time. Always within 5 minutes. Yet this time around, my results took a whole month, and I actually got accepted and received my card. I’ve never had a credit card before, nor do I have any loans.

Another wild thing is that last week, after being in Japan for over 10 years on 1 year visas, I finally got a 5 year extension. I am planning on applying for PR in the near future. I guess I’m just curious as to what has changed. I know rakuten and immigration are NOT connected lol. I just feel like there must have been something on my public record that had changed for both of these places to finally give me the chance I had been waiting for for 10 years. Any ideas? I just cant stop thinking about it. Is it just dumb luck?

by Rileymk96

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