LINE Age Verification Office?

My mobile carrier (an MVNO) is not one of the listed ones to do an automatic age verification. Is there any LINE shop or office I can go to in Tokyo to do the age verification in person? It’s quite inconvenient that without age verification I cannot search for LINE IDs and cannot send money to individuals.

by TokyoJimu

  1. I remember having the same issue 10 years ago and it’s one of the reasons I’ve stopped using line. I’m amazed they still haven’t fixed the issue.

  2. Consider it a blessing : when people can’t search for you by ID you get less randos adding you, less spam , less chance of being stalked 

    Many many people trade their line account by QR code, you can bring it up very quickly and even save as an image to send out. Consider it a line of privacy 

  3. You wait until yahoo finish their hostile takeover, allll going to get worse.

  4. [This article]( says that you can verify age once on SIM that has age revirifaction (some MVNO listed there can be used as well) and then you can change carrier back to anything with MNP and the age verification would be retained.

    Edit: key is to use MNP to retain your number, which seems to be the way LINE distinguish users

  5. Line is garbage, but almost every other messaging app has similar garbage points.

    In general I feel it is just massive overreach by carriers to be promising that level of identity validation anyway. It takes way too long to sign up for a new line of service through SoftBank/Docomo/AU as it is, I assume that ID validation layer is a huge part of that.

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