26k USD For reservation for 3 to pizzabar?

Okay read online on their menu 17k which is 108 dollars. . .

It errored out, I couldn’t actual pay. . I kept trying to do a reservation so now I have 3 -26k charges on my credit card. WTF happened? Did I misread the cost of this place?

26k for lunch seems I hope a mistake

Here: [https://imgur.com/a/txNo2ni](https://imgur.com/a/txNo2ni). though I got a notification, it looks like it is being backed out. Still would like to eat here

**update** haven’t heard from restaurant – you would think for 26k i could get a confirmed reservation at least.

Now i have a negative and positive (6 transactions) 26k on it.

Oh and [menu](https://photos.mandarinoriental.com/is/content/MandarinOriental/MOTYO%20-%20Tokyo/PDFs/tokyo-restaurant-pizza-bar-lunch-menu.pdf?_gl=1*n2u9cb*_ga*MzM1NTUzMzEwLjE3MTYzMDMzMjI.*_ga_FSQWZL83JH*MTcxNjM4Mzc2OS4yLjAuMTcxNjM4Mzc3Ny4wLjAuMA)

**update 2** got an apology to the IT issue and booked a 14k yen lunch for three. $260 bucks which is pricey lunch for Japan i hear

by csgraber

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