HSP Question

Hello, i’m a it confused on where to go and this seems like the place.

I currently have lived in Japan for 5 years under an intracompany transfer visa. I was planning on applying for PR this year, but I was unaware of the marriage rule. I can’t apply for PR it seems until we have been married for 3 years (She is on a dependent visa, married for 1.5 years). Are we understanding this correctly?

I planned on applying for my HSV instead as I want to start my own side business while in Japan which is currently not permitted under ICT visa. I also think this will work out well since a friend told me they process these visas rather quickly compared to PR. Then in another 1.5 years apply for PR if it makes sense for me!

I’m not questioning the qualifications for this visa, I know i’m well within the points as I have enough as well for the PR quick path. I work for a small company and the HR is not very skilled in Visas as I am the only person with one. I also am aware this locks me to my company, its the exact same rule for me now so i’m not worried about that either. My company is very good to me, and if I wasn’t working for them I would return home anyways.

**Question**: If I apply for my HSP visa, is there anything I need to do for my wife? She is going to stay a dependent, she does not plan to do more than part time “Unskilled labor” she is doing now. We already were separated for years because of COVID so I don’t want to have any sort of separation again. If I apply for my HSP, it should just impact me and not her at all correct?

I have done my research but there isn’t much detail on this exact topic, I have seen it when you are applying for the first time but not SWITCHING visas so I am a bit confused. I really do appreciate everyones help, and if you are unable to answer I can contact a lawyer (although pricey for a simple question).

by HeadOfSelfReflection

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