Seeking answers, opinions welcome too! :^)

Hi! 🙂

I’ve got two questions in need of answers.
If my country is not on the current JET participants list, but has been in the past and could theoretically qualify (random country in Europe), could there be a chance for me to still get on the JET Programme? Should I contact the Japanese embassy in my country or would my chances be slim no matter what? Planning to apply next Autumn.

My next question would be about TEFL/TESOL/etc. certificates, type and their desirability. So far as I know, they amount to something at least in the eyes of recruiters. If nothing else, it looks nice on the CV, **BUT** in case it matters; Is the TESOL certificate that ASU (Arizona State University) provides through the Coursera platform considered acceptable/ any good?

\+Bonus questions:
To current or past European JETS: Did you have any oddly euro-specific trouble you experienced when applying to JET? How many attempts did it take to get accepted? Any good miscellaneous piece of advice or opinion?

Thank you for your answers in advance! :\^)

by StrangeMonsieur

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