What is the logic…?

Edit: I meant to say: where’s the logic in wearing a mask then taking it off to enter a station and leaving it off the whole train journey?? (Not that I’m taking it off on the train)

This happens so many times!!

Also a young guy just walked through my whole carriage maskless.

Before anyone comes for me with “COVID is not a big deal” – I have a weak immune system and would appreciate people being less selfish!

  1. Unfortunately, even here, we can’t control anyone …..

    We can only do what we can to protect ourselves ……

    I resort to playing sports with a mask on……..so….I know the feels…..

  2. Stay home. Then you won’t get bothered by all the selfish people who don’t want to wear a mask for eternity.

  3. Masks are to be taken off when enjoying the after work strong zero in the train you uncultured swine.

  4. >…. I’m wearing a mask then taking it off to enter a station and leaving it off the whole train journey??

    Why are you doing it?

  5. Your health is your responsibility. You can’t control what other people do, even if they are being selfish or unreasonable. Just get yourself a proper medical grade mask if it is that critical for you.

  6. I would also appreciate people being less selfish.. in making their health concerns *my* problem.

  7. Protect yourself. People here have been looking out for others for over two years now. That is more than you can ask/demand of people. I want to see people&s faces and interact with humans again.

  8. Not exactly sure what you are trying to say…but I think it should be the opposite. No masks outside put on mask to go in station and ride the train. Seems like people not wearing mask at all is pretty few and far between.
    I do think it’s funny that I have to put on a mask to walk through a restaurant just to sit down and take it off to drink and eat. It is what it is.

  9. >Before anyone comes for me with “COVID is not a big deal”

    I mean logic dictates that the number of people likely to die from COVID will get smaller and smaller as time goes by.

    What would be your criteria for no longer wearing a mask? How low would infections/deaths have to get?

    For reference, the Japanese government estimates that about 10,000 people (in Japan) die directly/indirectly from getting regular influenza.

  10. Covid is what it is, which is endemic. It’s never going away, so you are asking everyone to wear a mask every day until they die. I’m sorry that some people are more susceptible, but I’m not sure how my uninfected and vaccinated person affects anyone else at all…mask or no mask. Selfish goes both ways.

  11. I am currently triple vaxxed, waiting on my chance at the 4th. I haven’t had covid yet, and I mask up pretty much everywhere except at home or if I’m down at the river having a BBQ

    That said. there are a lot of people who have gotten covid, recovered, and probably feel like it wasn’t as bad the TV says every minute of every day. So they feel like, “Fuck it. I already had it, despite wearing a mask all the time, and it wasn’t that bad. Why am I still wearing this thing?”

  12. Stay home if you cannot deal with the risk of catching a cold, flu, covid or anything else

  13. Unsurprisingly, three years in, people are starting to break under this eternal masking regime. They’re sick of it, and it’s hot and humid outside. That’s the logic.

  14. USFJ said no one has to wear one on the US military bases anymore. That was 4 months ago and COVID numbers have actually went down.

  15. At this point, most people have been vaccinated 2-3 times, and even vaccinated people may have gotten it once or twice.
    They simply don’t care as much anymore. Also it’s becoming more socially acceptable to not wear a mask

  16. Well, I honestly do not know how much a mask helps because I have a lowered immune system too and I am always wearing a mask, but I have already gotten covid twice this year. hahahaha

    I think the mask just makes us feel better sometimes. In our minds. But after getting covid twice, I am seriously doubting how much a mask really helps out. lol

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