Lump Sum Withdrawal – Problem

Hi All,

Apologies for asking another withdrawal related question but I was hoping someone could help me. I lived in Japan for 5 years, left in Dec. 2022 and filed for my lump sum withdrawal in Dec. 2023. I was told it takes around 4-6 months to receive the funds so I left it at that.

However, I contacted the pension office to follow up early this month and was told that they had remitted the funds in mid-April (which I obviously did not receive). Gave it a few more weeks and reached out again only to be told that they had some trouble remitting and to just wait a little more. However, I have not received any documentation or the funds till date. I offered to verify the bank info and contact info provided on the phone with the pension office but they said there is no need.

Wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and how to rectify. I paid into the employee pension for 5 years so it’s not an insignificant sum of money. Thank You!

by Kempeitai7

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