I have 90 days in Japan and I’m trying to decide whether to travel around or stay in one or two places

Hi everyone

Last year in November I went to Japan for three weeks. This October I am going back for 90 days.

When I started preparing a rough itinerary I realised two things:

* Traveling around might become exhausting quickly
* My budget is more limited than I anticipated

This got me asking myself “*what do I actually want to get out of this trip?*”.

And I realised, as stupid as it may sound, I just wanted to be in Japan for an extend period of time. I don’t necessarily need to see specific temples or gardens or one specific part of the country. I just want to live and breathe there for more than the normale 2-3 weeks of vacation time.

So this got me asking myself if it would not be better in my situation to stay in one or two cities for the duration of my stay. I assume this would give me more bang for my buck and it would also allow me to really take in a place, rather than just see the highlights and move on.

On the other hand, staying in one or two places might be limiting myself? Maybe there is a better combination to make, where I travel around for one month and then settle down in November/December in one place?

I was wondering if anyone here had a similar experience.

**For those of you who stayed in Japan for 2-3 months, what did you do? Did you travel around a lot? Did you stay in one place? Combine the two?**

And another question, what city would you recommend for an extended stay? My current ideas:

* Tokyo
* Takayama (kinda lost my heart there but it’s really expensive to stay there for a longer time)
* Kanazawa
* Fukuoaka

In my previous trip I visited Tokyo, Takayama, Kyoto and Koyasan. So you see, even in 3 weeks I took my time in the places I visited haha.

Thanks for the help!

by saga_87

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