Do I have to open a company to receive payment for services?

Hello knowledgeable people. I am working at seishain, but also doing some gigs on the side. Gigs now seem to be getting big, and are set to start paying 2-4M jpy within the year.

I started getting worried about how I am supposed to deal with this.

1. Just get paid in my personal account and add whatever extra amounts in my tax declaration next March? (so far I never had to do one, the company I work for takes care of it). Is this something people do, and is there a money cap over which it cannot happen, or is too costly?
2. Go open a goudou gaisha? If yes, I have heard some horror stories of people being straight out refused by banks to have a company opened, because they could not provide enough justification for it. Can I just open one, without having already some MOU or services contract draft with clients in Japan? (my clients are all abroad).

by opalakia

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