Is Japan dragging it’s feet with crypto in the same way they did in the dot-com boom?

One can’t help but feel that Japan is dragging their feet again with crypto in the same way they did during the dot-com boom. Is Japan falling victim to the same old close-minded lawmakers shooting themselves and the country in the foot again? Just like back when Japan was slow to take advantage of the opportunities at the turn of the millennium the same seems to be happening again. Are we in for another few lost decades because of these clowns?

A quote from the article below in regards to lowering taxes for Bitcoin:

*The FSA, however remains hesitant. “It is considerably difficult to lower the tax rate for cryptocurrencies ,” a senior official said.*

*”The cut will not win popular understanding as we are unable to imagine how the use of cryptocurrencies will enrich people’s lives.”*


Everyone calling BTC a scam and having no utility, tulips, etc. obviously fails to realize that they would have been better off holding BTC since before covid versus holding the imploding YEN. I think that’s a fair argument especially towards storage of value and enriching people’s lives. Enough said.

by Upset_Membership_249

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