Barrier at viral Mount Fuji photo spot to be replaced after holes found

Barrier at viral Mount Fuji photo spot to be replaced after holes found

by Themotionlesunderdog

  1. If there’s a will, there is a way. Tourists will keep wanting to go to this spot as long as it’s a fad. Instead of putting up a wall, it might be better to capitalize on the tourism. I know there have been way too many issues with trash and other things, so that obviously has to get resolved one way or another. Perhaps they could offer guided tours of it as a photo spot? Shouldn’t be too hard to restrict access to the Lawson while also making a photo location that has restricted access.

  2. How about putting something on the roof of Lawson’s? No one will be able to get a good view of the mountain. I wonder if the roof would be able to support a structure with a tarp or other barrier like a big obnoxious sign “NO CAMERA!”. Hahaha.

  3. This reads like a chapter from Freakonomics. The real answer is to fully legalize it WITH a fee. It would solve the problem AND raise money for the city.

  4. Time to put up a hard barrier and arrest vandals. Or build a pedestrian bridge with a ticketing system for photos and a time limit.

  5. Why they didn’t put it ON the combini to hide the view.putting it at this location makes no sense, people will just go around it. An other “Japan logic with no common sense and own thought” example!

  6. Since they found holes poked in the net wall, I think they’re gonna use plastic wrap next! That ought to do the job and keep people from poking holes!

  7. Why would you not use resources to make an adequate parking area and crosswalk? It clearly brings money to the area. Make some position of someone who acts as a pseudo guide/watcher.

  8. Play J-pop over a loud speaker. That’ll keep those tourist away. 

  9. I love how Chris Broad from Abroad in Japan said that there are better views of Mount Fuji elsewhere.

  10. Over a million yen spent on a ‘fence’ that is a glorified Daiso balcony privacy net. Contractors took that check right to the bank.

  11. Honestly surprised why they hadn’t replaced it with corrugated metal roofing by now

  12. The Streisand effect be like… Fiascos like this will just make this particular spot even more famous for the tourists.

  13. They need to build a wall, and it must be built quickly. And the tourists will pay for it!

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