1st impressions of Tokyo

Just landed at Haneda and made my way to my hotel. This is my 1st time in Japan. So far everything is going smoothly. I got from the airport to the hotel on the metro without getting lost. I walked around Tokyo Station and went to Character & Ramen Streets and found the right exit, all without getting lost, by just following the signs.

I didn’t find Tokyo Station that hard to navigate (famous last words) but I think I’ve done well lol!

In terms of crowds, I didn’t find it much different to that of London or Manhattan during rush hour. And the shops in the station were as busy as somewhere like Harrods or Selfridges, which I’m used too so didn’t find it overwhelming.

I’ve not encountered anywhere yet where English is a struggle. Even managed to get some cash out the 7-11 ATM for no fee.

by GodAtum

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