What is wrong with this share house? [Please read, need advice]

I was living in this share house, where the residents were asked to pay rent of (X+1)th month by the end of the Xth month (by 20th). And so, I payed my rent every month before deadline.

Every month my contract extended to 25th of next month upon paying. Pretty straightforward.

This month (on 25th May) I moved to an apartment. I already told share house management about this on around 9-10th May and they sent me details of final formalities and payments (Let’s say Y yen).

The final payments included rent for May, which I already paid in April.

So, I asked them about this and they didn’t reply for 5 days straight (I mailed them every day). I even sent them screenshot of payment from bank statement.

On the payment deadline date (after which they start adding late fees tax), since I still had no response from them, I told them that I am going to pay only **(Y – rent)** yen due to lack of understanding of rent asking again.

And suddenly I got a reply. A reply which I don’t understand till this date, stating :
*“We have received the amount but you are still short of amount below:*
*<Moving out delayed notice fee>*
*<Cancellation fee>,*
*<System fee>,*
*<Recovery fee>,*
***<Rent of may>***\*“\*

So basically, they acknowledge that they received the rent, but are still asking for the rent.

I asked them again politely:

“I am still confused. Can you please provide some explanation?”.
No reply

“Hi, please confirm this. Am I missing something?”
No reply

And then I paid amount without rent, and wrote “I have paid **(Y-rent) Yen** amount. I will pay **rent** after getting some explanation”
And they sent a response, after 2 days, explaining <cancellation fee>, <system fee> etc. but not May’s rent.

So I told them that I will visit their office on Saturday (25th May) to discuss this. For which they sent me a “*we do not assist customers on face to face at the office*”.
Adding *”If you wish to extend the payment, you have to fill out the following before visiting our office for the the memorandum of understanding.*
*Please note that if you are unpaid for more than two months of rent, you need to pay at least one month’s rent before coming to the memorandum of understanding.*
\*※\****If you do not reply the form on time, we might look for the debt collector.***
*If you move out without giving notice or with leave an overdue payment, we will take the case to trial in Small Claims Court.*
*In addition, please remember we will charge you legal fees as well.”* and gave me a form.

I was angry and went straight to the office, the staff there listened to my story and told me that the person in charge, for stuff like this, will be available on Monday (27th May). And that I don’t have to worry and he will make sure to convey the message and will revert back to me by Monday.

I didn’t get anything on Monday. But hey stopped sending the mails and everything was looking nice. I thought that things got sorted, until today, when I received this email:
“***【Regarding the unpaid fee after moving out】We would like to receive your payment please.***”

which states:
*”This is a notice concerning your unpaid fees after moving out of our property.*
***Y*** *yen, due to* ***DD*** *of May, is not confirmed yet.*
*We are sorry if you have already completed your payment, but please check, and if you have not made the payment, please complete your payment within 3days.*

*If we cannot confirm your payment, we will request of to our corporate lawyer, and will move to a small-amount litigation trial.*
*In addition, please note that you will be billed for payment delay penalty fee and court fees at the same time.”*

I am fed up.
Please let me know if you guys have any solution or advice for this BS.
P.S. I don’t want to pay some amount without understanding what I am paying for. Also, I recently shifted and don’t want to pay unnecessary amount as I have to buy a lot of stuff.

`Not naming anyone since I don’t know if that would be a good idea or not. (if mods allow that or the share house will file a court case on me)`

by not_daijobu

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