Japan Diet panel passes bill on foreign worker system, permanent residency revocation

Japan Diet panel passes bill on foreign worker system, permanent residency revocation

by Hazzat

  1. So they essentially think they can import cheap unskilled labor from the third world, train them up, pay them little and then keep them around as tax cattle?
    Name a country where this has worked?

  2. Reminder to anyone mad about this that literally all you have to do is *pay your taxes*.

  3. Japanese folks just have a lot of anxiety about the fact that *they need foreign workers*.

    They can only outsource so much. The problem is, they need foreign workers to do the shitty low-paid jobs in nursing homes and food service.

    It reminds me of the way people backed into a corner start babbling about how high their standards are and how they won’t compromise no matter what.

  4. I’m a migrant living in the UK and most of the migrants in here are basically living in social housing and benefits. What’s the point of having permanent residents (and their dependents) if they don’t pay any tax and use state resources? Japan is doing the right thing

  5. Just pay your taxes and don’t worry, so many people getting PR who don’t even plan to live in the country. Close all the loopholes.

  6. There are already penalties for tax avoidance by foreign residents and Japanese. The reason they are adding an additional penalty for foreigners is to appease the ultra right wing in order to soften the passage of more relaxed immigration policy.

  7. Let’s flood the country with southeast asians then no need to rise the salaries

  8. How would one avoid paying taxes?
    Don’t they automatically take it out from the account if the deadline is passed?

  9. This might be a stupid question, but what taxes are we talking about? I’m a retired US military guy living on my pension and disability. I do not work, because I’m comfortable with what I make now, but is there a tax that I should be paying? Like am I missing something or is that tax for folks that actually have an income from working in Japan?

  10. Well Japan, I hope you enjoyed being considered some kind of world economic leader. That’s going to just not be the case in another 50 years or so

  11. If Japanese politicians don’t pay their taxes do they lose their jobs as politicians?

  12. Ah Japan is joining the rest of the world in a race to the bottom for wage slaves.

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