Just found the biggest spider (dead) I’ve ever seen right outside my front door. Does anyone know what it is/if it’s dangerous?

I’ve been living here for several years and have never seen this monstrosity in my life. Wondering how much danger I’m in and how quickly I’ll have to move.


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For reference, the body itself was about the size of a 500yen

  1. It is a huntsman spider. Really quick moving, which scares people, but great to have around as they get rid of pest you don’t want around. They have large fangs, but are not aggressive towards people and, even if you did get bit (which would mean you were physically messing with it and trapping it), it would be a bit painful, but not dangerous.

  2. *”That’s not a spoidaa… this is a spoidaa!”* – said every Aussie in the room.

  3. If you search for “Huntsman spider spots” the pictures are virtually the same as the one you shared, so you seem to be safe.

  4. Heteropoda venatoria a.k.a. アシダカグモ, a type of Huntsman Spider

  5. If posted on a main reddit here are some expected replies:
    -Needs banana for scale
    -Also better to just in case burn down your house just in case
    -Wait till you see the scorpion that killed it

  6. Completely harmless female huntsman, my husband keeps one and we feed it from his red cockroach colony, always fun to see her lock on and pounce. They shy of people, don’t spin webs, and eat cockroaches, it’s a very good housemate.

  7. I saw one for the first time in Shizuoka during golden week, it was just chilling and must’ve seen something to go after and the SPEED at which it moved made my jaw hit the floor. It was truly frightening how it went from zero to 100 like in a horror film hahaha

  8. Ever since moving here in April, I’ve seen more jumping spiders than I ever did in the states. We have a couple of them in our apartment and every day they’re in a different part of the house. My son goes looking for them.

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