Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 01, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. JLPT N3 文法質問が三つあります。

    A) ふたりはそれから30年あまり、死がふたりを分かつまで幸せな結婚生活を送る _______ 。

    1。ことだ 2.ことになった 3.ことにした 4.ようになった


    B) まさかあのふたり _______ なにかあったと言いたいんじゃないだろうな!

    1.の間と 2.の間の 3.の間に 4.の間で


    C) あなた _______ ちょっと内密で話したいことがあるのですが…

    1.だけ 2.だけで 3.だけを 4.だけに


  2. > 十四年間、奴は一度も俺の前に現れなかった。

    I think I understand it but is 間 gonna be pronounced かん here?

    I believe it says, “For fourteen years, that guy didn’t even once appear before me.”

    Context: Someone is looking for their lifelong foe, who can actually appear and disappear at will.

  3. I forget the words i learn 30 mins later but i will remember them after reviewing them. How do fix this. Note that ive been reviewing the same words the last 3 days and i still only remember them when im studying

  4. is the grammar correct?

    > これは韓国でお母さんが買ってきたメイク用品や色んなもの

    basically i want to say “These are the cosmetics and things that my mom bought for me from Korea.”

  5. So i was texting Pi in japanese to figure out if it was a good way go practice my japanese, but then it wrote this monstrosity, is this correct? Does it make sense? Does it exist? I’m at a loss after the very first 何についてはなそうか


  6. context: A and B is debating, commenter agrees with what B is saying but..

    question: the use of まで. usually i understand as “up to (a certain point)”

    but in this case: “before one finishes (talking)” ?

    translation attempt (pls revise): i think it is annoying that one cuts in before the other person finish their point..


  7. Question, I was doing my Tango N5 anki deck and the sentence was 「自動販売機でタバコを買います。」 but after I clicked the show answer part, タバコ was written as たばこ. So my questions is, why was it shown as katakana in the sentence but when explained it’s shown as hiragana?

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