Itinerary Check – Okinawa component (Ishigaki > Tokashiki(?) > Zamami)


I’m doing a 5 solo week trip to Japan and Europe from late August to early October, with the last leg in Okinawa. Looking to get some feedback on the Okinawa component as I’ve heard conflicting reports on the different islands. (I might do a separate post on the mainland Japan leg but that’s more locked down).

About me: 27, female, introverted, like exercise, have solo travelled a lot previously, don’t drive. I’ve been to Japan several times before and I’ve been to Okinawa twice before (although only Naha). I speak intermediate Japanese.

Holiday context: This is a 5 week holiday from work (kind of like long service leave) and the Okinawa component is the last bit of the trip. Intentions for this leg of the trip: chill, scuba dive (have open water licence), snorkel, relax at the beach. I will be tapering as part of training for a half-marathon in mid October so will be doing some short runs throughout (not a huge consideration but a factor).

Below is my itinerary, and then the 2 main questions I have.

**Itinerary (Okinawa Component):**

* Saturday 21 Sept/Sunday 22 Sept: flight from Barcelona to Tokyo (get in late night Sunday) *\[BOOKED\]*. Overnight stay at airport hotel *\[BOOKED\]*.

*1. Ishigaki*

* Monday 23 Sept: flight from Tokyo to Ishigaki *\[BOOKED\]*. Accommodation near Maesato beach *\[BOOKED\]*.
* Tuesday 24 Sept: scuba dive – have got a place in mind but open to recommendations. Would like to see a few manta rays.
* Wednesday 24 Sept: day trip to Taketomi / beach etc.

*2. Tokashiki(?) or Zamami?*

* Thursday 26 Sept: flight from Ishigaki to Naha *\[not booked – want to confirm next steps\]*. Ferry to either:
1. Tokashiki – stay near Tokashiku beach *\[BOOKED\]*.
2. Zamami – stay near Ama beach *\[BOOKED\]*.
* Friday 27 Sept: beach etc.

*3. Zamami*

* Saturday 28 Sept:
* If I choose 2.1 (Tokashiki), ferry to Zamami *\[not booked\]*.
* If I choose 2.2, stay in Zamami (same location) *\[BOOKED\]*.
* Sunday 29 Sept: beach etc.
* Monday 30 Sept: beach etc.

*4. Going home*

* Tuesday 1 Oct: ferry from Zamami to Naha *\[not booked\]*. Then either:
1. stay night in Naha for 1 night *\[not booked\]* and fly back to Tokyo on 2 Oct *\[not booked\]*.
2. fly back to Tokyo on 1 Oct *\[not booked\]* and stay at airport hotel for 1 night *\[not booked\]*.
* Wednesday 2 Oct: flight from Tokyo home late in the evening *\[BOOKED\]*.


* Do I do both Tokashiki and Zamami (2.1)? Or do I skip Tokashiki for 2 days and just go straight to Zamami (2.2)?
* Purely from an enjoyment perspective (ignoring risk of missing flights etc), do you reckon its worth staying a night in Naha for 1 night (4.2)? Or should I just go back to Tokyo for the night (4.1)? I probably won’t be doing anything other than maybe going for a walk and checking out local sights either way.

Happy for any other feedback.

by blueseulb

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