Japanese-language book/app for learning to read Simplified Chinese?

I have an N1-level knowledge of Kanji, and am interested in learning to read Simplified Chinese. At this point, I can read about as well as any Japanese speaker would, meaning I can get the gist of texts by recognizing all the common characters and compounds, am vaguely aware of various equivalent radicals and forms (but not systematically), and know a tiny bit of grammar and word order. Are there any books or apps aimed at helping Japanese speakers make sense of Chinese text? I’m aware that pronunciation is a much bigger gap to cross, but I assume that reading knowledge can’t be nearly that big a task.

  1. Why are you asking this question on a subreddit that is 99% English posts? If you want a Japanese book recommendation, then ask Japanese natives on a Japanese message board, especially for such a technical recommendation. If you can read as fluently as you say, then you should have no problem formulating your question in Japanese. I think that you will have far greater success with that approach.

  2. I use reword. It helped me learn English, and now it doesn’t betray me in Japanese.

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