I made these dango at home

I made these dango at home

  1. I visited a tea shop near Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto a few weeks ago that’s credited with creating Mitarashi Dango. It was okay, but the dango were a little too burnt and bitter for my liking, so I decided to try making them at home. I tested different ratios of rice flour (100% shiratamako was best), different grilling methods (a rippin’ hot cast iron works best if you don’t have a traditional shichirin grill), and different sauce ingredients (a mixture of rice syrup, kokutou and soy sauce thickened with potato starch worked best) and this was the result. I’d love to hear what you all think, and if you want to try making these, I posted a [video of the process here](https://youtu.be/IHTkylqw_y8).

  2. I admit I’m so jaded that I was like “yeah right, those look too perfect, you’re a bot reposting stock photos of food.” Then I looked up your username and… you have a new YouTube subscriber 🙂

  3. I need to try these again. The savoury sauce really threw me back when I was younger and had a really sweet tooth.

  4. Wow, these look perfect. My husband and daughter love dango, but we haven’t had much success making them so definitely following what you did in your video next time we attempt!

  5. My favorite Japanese recipe YouTuber since “Cooking With Dog”. Might have to try this sometime

  6. I saw your video and was mildly confused why this picture looked so familiar until I saw the username haha. Great job as always love your stuff.

  7. I haven’t had this style dango since I was a kid in Japan and my mouth is watering!! I can’t wait to make this for my partners asap.

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