Fukuoka vs Tokyo

Hello everyone,

I got accepted to two language schools for 1 year course, one in Fukuoka and one in Tokyo but I am unsure on which one I should choose. I can see the benefits of both places and am leaning toward Fukuoka as it seems really nice, but part of me thinks living in Tokyo would also be a great experience as there is a lot of things to do. Does anyone have any thoughts on both places? I was just in Japan last year for the first time for a week as well as last spring with my friends for a month and we visited Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Atami.

I am really unsure which one to choose, I hear great things about KCP and their curriculum with it being more intense than GenkiJacs. GenkiJacs I hear is good at getting people to conversational around N4-N3ish lvl by the end of the course along with it being placed in a place where there is less tourist for more immersion. I hear everything after their N4-N3lvl is not as good but it seems like they are trying to fix that from what i’ve seen in threads but I am not sure. I only have 1 year to do this and I know that either way its on me to make it worth it, but I would love to hear everyones thoughts on both places (Fukuoka or Tokyo | GenkiJacs or KCP International).

The Fukuoka school is GenjiJacs and the Tokyo school is KCP International.

by XxSniperDeathAngelxX

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