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[Seven Day Archive]( of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.
by AutoModerator
Does anyone have the nihongonomori Ekubo Basic Japanese videos archived? They are really great for practicing listening & basic conversation stuff, they seem to be gone from youtube besides some reuploads
> 相手は半身になって「すいません」と小声で言った。
半身になって means to tilt one’s body to the right (or the left) side? Maybe tilt to the front?
Tried google but couldn’t really get the *full* picture. What’s the difference between these words?
響き 木霊 山彦 反響
Sethclydesdale wants the translation of “I was busy yesterday” to be きのう忙しかったです and counts きのうは忙しかったです as wrong. Is きのうは忙しかったです wrong?
What is an appropriate formal way to express condolences for someone who is dying with a terminal illness? A lot of phrases seem to mean something like “get better soon” and I don’t know if that might be awkward.
Many sites and people say Genki doesn’t have enough vocabulary.
So what should I supplement my vocab with?
Both for N4 and N5
Edit : for that matter,what should I study when I finish Genki1 or 2?
I received an online coupon with the following text:
Does the first part【5作品から利用可】mean that I can only use the coupon if I have at least 5 items? If not, what does it mean?
JLPT N2質問が二つあります。
A) 暖かくなって _______ が、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。
1.まいりました 2.いただきました 3.くださいました 4.いらっしゃいました
B) その靴はじつのところ、夕べ渋谷で _______ 、まだ一度もはいてないのです。
1.買ったすえ 2.買ったきり 3.買ったあと 4.買ったところで
When someone says 兄弟は三人です, does it mean they have a total of 3 brothers and sisters **including themselves** or **excluding themselves**?
In this dialogue, 彼は三人兄弟だった means he is has 3 brothers and sisters including himself? (Not sure why it is だった not だ though.)
> 李 :彼は今時珍しい親孝行だよ。四日おきに養老院の母親のもとへ通ってるらしいよ。
> 真理:確か彼は三人兄弟だったわね。交代で毎日誰かが訪ねてるのかしら?
> 李 :二日おきぐらいになるらしいよ。みんな所帯持ちらしいから、色々事情があるのだろうよ。
Hello all! Just a quick question. As far as I can tell when googling the translation for the word apathy, I get the word 無関心 , which also apparently means indifference in Japanese. Is there anything else it means? Or a certain connotation attached? I appreciate any help!
In the sentence: サーっと風が入ってきて , what’s the grammar that describes how the two verbs are interacting? Satori Reader translated this literally as “the wind came in quickly” so I’m not sure how to think about the verb 入る here.
> 彼女は妻と似ている。眉をひそめて麦茶を注ぐところや、上目遣いでこちらの顔を覗く仕草もそのままなのだ。
It seems like や is an exhaustive listing particle but I wonder what is the role of も here.
Hey all!! I have one tiny little question about compound verbs,specifically Verb + auxiliary. I learned from a lovely user here that this type of compound is categorized into two types,syntactic and lexical and have been studying this concept as much as I can since.
Syntactic meaning that the auxiliary/second verb can apply to ANY verb. These have grammatical elements.
Lexical compounds are very limited and are unpredictable to an extent. These do not have grammatical elements.
My question is : I’ve noticed that some of the auxiliaries used in the former,also appear in the latter. For example the word Omoidasu,meaning ‘To recall (a memory)’. Dasu is a verb that can be attached to any verb,however,Omoidasu is considered a lexical compound. Why is this? Does the use of Dasu in this compound not follow the rules of Dasu as an auxiliary and therefore considered lexical? (This is my assumption)
Thank you in advance!
Help with Japanese study:
Hello, I am (roughly) an N5/N4 (more to the N4) level Japanese student and I am unsure whether to purchase a book. In particular, I have seen multiple YouTubers recommend the genki textbooks. I am unsure if the textbooks would be good for me to purchase and would give me new information. Please help me.