Some idiot I worked with years ago is sending me scary death threats. What’s the best thing to do?

I made a WordPress website for this guy’s business about 6 years ago. The guy was somewhat excentric, but I made my best to please him and get his website out so I can bill him. Haven’t had any contact since.

Never heard of him again until last year, when he started randomly sending me aggressive messages on linkedin. He believes I’ve randomly been inserting typos on his website to harm his business. Clearly reeks of paranoia and mental issues so I’ve simply ignored him.

This morning, I woke up to a message that’s crossing the line ([screenshot](

I’m not really worried, as he doesn’t know where I live, but I also don’t think I should ignore it and let him get away with sending this kind of crap to people.

Should I go to the police to get some kind of warrant against him?

Should I get a lawyer involved to scare him off?

I want to spend as little time and money as possible on this idiot, just want to get him off my back.

by biwook

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