Stuck in job hunting

I am graduating from 4 year university this August and been job hunting since the beginning of the year but i have been really unsuccessful so far. I have JLPT N3, TOEIC 970, I think my japanese abilities are better than my jlpt level since I didn’t invest in it too much. Despite applying to many companies and attending 4-5 interviews, I have been rejected from all of them.

My visa will expire soon after I graduate. My ultimate goal is to stay in Japan. Designated activities visais an option but my university is very strict and requires me to pass a few interviews to get a recommendation letter for this visa.

Given my situation, what are my options for staying in Japan or finding a job? Any advice on improving my chances? I feel really lost now because I have invested so much time and effort in job hunting 🙁

by Hot-Election-110

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