Keep watch in your kids in Nara.

As the title says it, watch your kids guys.

While into my 3 week journey of Japan, I went to Nara and of course had to feed the deer.

While feeding the deer like the rest of the respected tourists one mother and child come running up and start teasing the poor animals. I stood there and watched waiting to see if anyone else would notice the bad behaviour.

After a while the mother found it funny and had the child go pull on the deers tales. Well let’s just say the deer didn’t find it funny and after a short minute of tail pulling the child was sweet chin musiced by the deer.

The child cried, the mother was embarrassed and everyone stood there looking a the mother in shame as she strode off out of the park.

So as the title intends it. Keep your kids at a safe distance while in Nara and respect the wildlife.

by AUG_pete

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