Advice on buying a new camera and whether i should get one in japan

I have been looking for a camera for the past month but having gotten overwhelmed with the options. I really like the image quality of the fujifilm as I like the vintage feel, but my budget is 400 so out of the question for me. If I could get a good deal, and love the camera, I could possibly go up to 1000 but thats my upper bound.

I have reviewed the Ricoh but i want something with flash. I have also looked at the canon g7x but a bit unsure as the sample photos i have seen are a small step up from what I have been able to accomplish on my iphone and with some small edits. I currently have an Iphone 14 and have taken so really great photos with it but more and more i am feeling frustrated with the ability of my phone camera, especially in dim lighting, using zoom or capturing detail. I often see a shot I would love to take but know my phone wouldnt get it and don’t want to get upset so i don’t event try.

I love capturing sky shots, architecture(like doors, domes, full building, carving), street shots and nature. I have reviewed ebay and facebook market for cameras but haven’t found something that speaks to me.

I am leaving for japan and want to check some places out to see if I could get a deal on a fuji or on some other camera I find myself falling for. I would really appreciate camera reccs as well as any stores people may suggest in tokyo, osaka, and kyoto. Specifically in akihabara. I would hate to go on a once in a life time trip and to not be able to capture the moments my eye tells me to. Broad ask, but I would appreciate any advice!!

by Additional_Cow_1903

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