About introduction videos.


I see that this is not standard practice in Japan. I was curious if introduction videos would be well received when applying directly to a school through an email, for example. I have only once seen one school in Japan ask for one from non-natives. It made me realize that this would be a great way of proving that I (or any other non-native teacher) can speak just as well as a native, throwing away the “accent” excuse.

I tend to keep it simple when applying to schools/companies directly and only send them what they were asking for on the post I saw. This is even more important with unsolicited/cold applications. That’s why I want to know if adding an introduction video would be seen as pushy, all out weird, or it would be received well and even increase my chances. (either because of the impression it creates or because it proves that I can have the accent they are looking for.)

The more posts I see and the more I am talking to teachers that teach/taught in Japan, the more I see that my nationality actually is what instantly disqualifies me and makes schools not even consider interviewing me. So I am thinking of ways to go past that and prove that I can easily overcome the supposed accent problem.

Please let me know what you think!


by Radusili

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