Looking for “Special” beginner vocab flashcards (see details)

I know questions about flashcards have been asked and I’ve been looking online at them, as well as flashcard kits. What I’m looking for however is very specific and I hope it exists for Japanese

I have Spanish flashcards where its not just the word + translation, but there is a sentence in English that has an equivalent-sounding set of parts and an illustration to the word to go with it.

So for example in Japanese, 暁 (Akatsuki) is a word for Dawn in my guide, so a flashcard might have a sentence like “A cat skis at dawn” and a comic of a cat skiing with the sun rising.

Pic example of the type of card I’m looking for but in Japanese of course:

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Do these even exist by any company? I find these far superior to simple word-word types

1 comment
  1. Yes, but hardly anyone uses physical flash cards anymore, especially for Japanese. Reaching fluency in Japanese requires thousands of cards.

    Look into spaced repetition software, and especially Anki decks. There are some you can download. Most people make their own; it’s also known as “sentence mining”.

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