Mobile Data Report on Recent Japan Trip

This post is my report regarding mobile data use on recent 10 days trip to Japan (April). I write this mainly for expressing my thanks to everybody who helped me (and will help me) on this subreddit. I am not affiliated with any company/brand mentioned in this post, everything described here is based on true experience.

# 1. Daily Roaming Charge from Canadian Telecom Provider

The two Canadian Telecom Providers I am with both have daily roaming package: if I go abroad, they will start charge daily roaming at $15/day, it is OK if I change flight in Japan for one or two days, but it is too expensive if I spend 10 or 20 days there. I think this charge has a cap per month, MAY BE 20 days’ charge each month.

Another thing worth to mention is that the charge is calculated based on Eastern Time (each day), not Japan local time.

Please note this package usually start as soon as your Canadian phone connect to Japanese mobile network when mobile data start flowing (if you didn’t turn it off). If you don’t want to this daily charge, you will need to call your provider checking and asking **CANCEL** this option **BEFORE** starting your trip. **Don’t disable your International Roaming**, you may need it (voice call and text message) for emergency.

Please write down the date and time and name of agent helped you, you may need to use this information to dispute future charge. Although I called both providers and cancelled this feature, one of them was still there, which caused unexpected charge.

Once I arrived Japan, I turned off “Cellular Data” and “Data Roaming” on my phone (on my Canadian SIM), so my phone number can be used for outgoing/incoming phone call and outgoing text message (iPhone will try iMessage via mobile data network first, I believe), although per usage charge is a bit expensive (if I have to use them), but I had peace of mind.

But, there is one more feature I should turn off, on iPhone it is called **”Focus Driving”**: one day when I was on subway train, somebody called or texted me, because I am moving fast, my iPhone thought I was driving, so it automatically replied sender via text message: “This phone owner is driving……”. Boom, that message cost me CA$15, because my Daily Roaming Charge was not turned off by Agent. I only figured this out once I see the monthly statement.

# 2. eSIM

eSIM is what I recommended to regular Japan travelers, because it is very convenient: if your mobile phone works, your mobile data connection works.

The provider I choose is one of names mentioned in wiki below (2nd): it has a APP on my iPhone that I can buy directly, and monitor my usage. If I used all data, I can top it up (did not happen to me). Another feature I like is this eSIM only activate when my phone is in Japan. This means I can grab the eSIM package while it is on sale, install it, play with it (learn how it co-exist with my physical SIM), then start using it when I arrive Japan.

Please note that this eSIM provider is not from Japan, it is from Singapore, so you have to turn on ROAMING on this SIM card, and my Google also sent me alert saying that I logged on Google from Singapore.

I used 3GB out of 5GB package in my 10 days Japan trip, only for navigation, checking my email and visiting websites including Reddit.

# 3. Pocket WiFi

Pocket WiFi was commonly used before, but due to impact of eSIM, I heard the device rental turns attractive on price.

I don’t like this option because I have to rent it, charge it, carry it, return it. But I need second method of mobile data communication, so what I did was: bought a used MiFi device from eBay (dirt cheap), bought a physical Japan Data SIM (different provider than my eSIM) from [Amazon.CA](http://Amazon.CA), then used them in Japan. It was fun to play with and worked out well in Japan, but you must be tech savvy to go with this route.

Another thing you should be aware is that Pocket WiFi tend to use more data than eSIM, because your mobile phone thought this is unlimited usage channel, a lot of actions like system update, offline map update, etc. will go through WiFi.

Oh, once you go back hotel, don’t forget to toggle your Pocket WiFi connection to Hotel’s free WiFi.

I used all 5 GB data on the 8th day of my 10 days trip, but the provider allowed me to continue using it at snail speed (for messaging and small email messages).

That all for now, this reddit WiKi page has more basic information about mobile data:


If anybody is interest in building your own pocket WiFi device, I can write a how-to later.

Thank you for reading, and enjoy your Japan trip. 🙂

by Fit-Relationship1732

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