Job/career path

Seeking advice for job/career path

Background: 27 male. Japanese citizen/passport holder. Never have lived in Japan, but would come time to time for vacation.

I grew up in the US for 16 years and at the age of 18, I started my career as a professional soccer player. Since then I’ve moved to several countries in Europe and Southeast Asia for my career. I probably have give or take 5 years left in the tank to continue playing.

I’m starting to look at settling soon and as a Japanese passport holder, I’d have to find work in Japan. Since I started my professional career at age 18, I never finished my college/university. With my family we speak Japanese but my Japanese is not the best. Can converse but it’s not quite business level and I cannot read or write at all as I never went to Japanese school. My English on the other hand is perfect in all aspects.

With this all in mind, what do you think I should do? Is there any jobs that would be slightly interested in hiring me without a degree/perfect Japanese level? Do I go back to school for a degree? I do have great knowledge for the sport I play but I’ve heard you must know good Japanese to work in any job. I do plan on studying Japanese as it sounds very necessary to work in Japan.

Any advice helps. Thanks.

by Angelbobbyyy

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