Question about unplanned and travel days

I’m 21 M going solo to Japan in September/October.

In my itinerary I don’t have anything planned for 2 days. Currently the plan looks like this: 4 in Singapore – 9 in Tokyo – 3 in Kyoto – 7 in Osaka  2 unplaned. Also I don’t have anything planned for travel days in between Cities with the idea that I can just move some stuff up if I have strength and time after travel.

But I was thinking what to do with those 2 days I can just add them to for example Kyoto and Osaka but after reading posts on this sub I started wondering maybe I should spend one or both of those days in onsen towns resting in between tokyo and kyoto. So the question is what do you guys recommend? Is it worth it to spend a day or two at an onsen? If so , I would prefer some private one. I’m not really comfortable with sharing it with strangers.
Additionally, should I spend 1 or 2 days there? And if only one, where should I allocate the remaining day which city needs more attention?

And the second question is about travel days I count them up to the city I leave from but for example in Tokyo i’m going to arrive at 6 am and not having anything planned for those days that I arrive to a certain city makes me feel that if I just move stuff forward I might run out of things I planned to do in this citi and then just be left with having to find them on the go.

What did you guys do during those days? Like if I leave Tokyo at 10am I’m gonna be in Kyoto at 1pm. Do you just just wander around the neighborhood near your lodging place ? Or start exploring right away?

All the answers and tips are greatly appreciated.

by JaWor2211

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