Japan 2023 Fertility Rate Hits Record Low of 1.20; Tokyo’s Rate Falls Below 1 for 1st Time

Japan 2023 Fertility Rate Hits Record Low of 1.20; Tokyo’s Rate Falls Below 1 for 1st Time


  1. 1.20 is the average. Many developed countries are similar to Japan. I believe Italy, Spain, Finland, and others were the same or lower than Japan. Even the United States was below 2.0

  2. I’m actually surprised that it’s the first time Tokyo fell below 1. The majority of people I know either do not have kids or just 1.

    That being said counties like Japan should stop wasting money on trying to increase this figure because that ship has sailed a long time ago. Instead build a society that’s meant to be run with a decreasing population instead of the other way around

  3. Lee Kuan Yew once said something along the lines of it being a cultural thing rather than a money thing. I think the work culture in Japan does have an impact and if people had more time to raise children, they would. But we also have to be honest and say that there’s a sizeable minority of people who aren’t interested in being parents at all. That’s not just a Japanese thing but a worldwide trend in general, Japan is merely at the forefront of it.

    You can argue about whether this is a good thing or a bad thing (I would argue it’s overall bad). Japan’s population going down to say, 100 million, wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world and it’s not reasonable to expect that the population will constantly increase all the time.

    Still, every country is going to have to deal with this problem eventually, so it will be interesting to see how Japan deals with this.

  4. Everything is too expensive and the state of world affairs is poo poo. Why would anyone want kids?

  5. This is good for the rest of the world. Japan should have been broken up and given away as war reparations after world two. Comfort women, Chinese genocide, etc. SMH

    Edit: Interesting to see people supporting mass murder and rape. Must be Japanese.

  6. Japan and Korea get the brunt of the headlines, because their numbers are so low, but every developed nation is hitting record low fertility

  7. Just add in a 2000000/year tax deduction per kid. Currently the deduction is 0.

  8. If all countries started to hit replacement levels from this year onwards every year, would this reverse the trend

  9. More space = more children. It’s kind of like with gold fishes, if humans are too crammed they won’t “grow”, AKA reproduce, especially if standard of living is otherwise decent, as expectations for their would-be children rise beyond what a small space can support.

    Tokyo is overdeveloped, other places are underdeveloped.

    Or, automation and technological advances and advances in healthcare will sort this out and make it a non-issue anyway. Japan’s population count is still very high and in an age of automation and AI, for such a small country.

    IMO, this is a fake crisis, an illusion.

  10. I never quite understood why these low birth rate asian countries don’t enact policies to revert declining birth rates. It really isn’t that complicated to do, it just takes a lot of political capital and decades to see the effects.

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