NJPW needs a shot in the arm and they have the ingredients for that

Let me preface this post by saying that I am not the most knowledgeable NJPW fan out there but I loved watching the promotion back in the days of Okada, Omega, Naito and Tanahashi mixing it up in the main event scene all the way back at WK 11.

I feel (and for a fact know that I am not the only one thinking that) like NJPW is stalling at the moment, far away from its peak in 2016 onwards. Not only were there some very baffling decisions (changing the design of the WHC from arguably the most beautiful wrestling belt to one of the worst has to be one of the worst decisions) and out of ring backstage incidents (most notably the Ibushi situation), but some of the booking decisions (EVIL winning the WHC, stopping Naito’s momentum and putting an end to what in my opinion should have been his defining reign at the top, same thing repeating this year, Ospreay’s one WHC reign ending prematureley due to an injury and him never regaining that title while being NJPW’s best gaijin who could have been a second Omega) were bad.

But most of all I think that the roster is too stale right now(mind you, they did loose two top wrestlers in Okada and Ospreay) with no standout talent outside of Naito and Shingo (I still think he should be in the WHC scene way more often, especially after his great title reign – instead of EVIL). However I feel like they actually have said standout talent. Some are still rough diamonds, but the potential is there: Umino, Tsuji, Narita and Yuya. I think all 4 of them have the potential to lead the company into a bright future, yet another peak for NJPW but I feel like New Japan is a bit too secure at the moment, they don’t take a risk by finally putting these guys in the limelight. I think the crowning for these 4 guys should start at the next WK at the very latest as this year has been pretty boring for NJPW outside of Naito vs Sanada which was pretty cool and the few Musketeer matches. While I know that Japanese promotions are very slow in terms of building new stars I feel that a quick action is warranted given the current state of the product. build the future of the WHC picture now, with the 4 above mentioned guys at the core of that scene, maybe add ZSJ to the mix and reestablish Shingo as a WHC player, SANADA and Naito topping it off. I think having these 8 people circle around the WHC would be amazing. But I feel like one of the 4 young guys should be crowned very soon as these are the future the promotion so desperately needs.

Sorry for the long post but I felt like venting for a bit since I still like NJPW and want this promotion to flourish as it did back in 2016 – 2019.

by Slit08

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