Submit multiple apartment applications ?

Hello, I am currently apartment hunting in Tokyo.

My move out date is the end of September so very very soon!

I’ve looked at several places now but haven’t really found anything.

Considering the application takes about 2 weeks to process…, would it be possible to submit multiple applications for different places as a backup?

Any first hand experiences or stuff that I should be aware of?

Thanks 🙂

  1. This is common/standard where I came from, but when I discussed it with a real estate agent here they said it’s not normal and refused to accept simultaneous applications for more than one place. If you do decide to do this you’ll likely want to use multiple different real estate agents and avoid mentioning the other applications.

  2. Yes, it is normal to submit more than one application. It is even recommended to have at least one back up application.

    However, it is important to cancel an application as soon as you accept another apartment. It is a courtesy.

    Now some applicants will apply for 4, 5, 6 or more apartments and get accepted by all of them, only to turn them down and keep applying. For each application your real estate agent will be doing a lot of work on your behalf behind the scenes. So every time you cancel an application that is about ten hours of work that is wasted (including the viewing of the property). So a tenant who is too picky and applies to too many apartments is wearing out his or her welcome. Agents will stop forwarding you good apartments, insisting that you wait to see the results of ongoing applications before applying for something else. Too many cancellations will hurt the reputation of a real estate agent, so the wealthier more established real estate companies will actually refuse to help you apply more than 3 times or so, even if your ideal apartment is the 4th or 5th candidate to appear.
    Even if you switch real estate agents at that point, some companies with a lot of apartments in one neighborhood will recognize your name and refuse to allow you to apply for a different apartment.

    Anyway, apply for one apartment right away for practice. After that apply for only those apartments you intend to live in.

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