Going to BOSJ on Monday – what should I know?

Hi all, first of all I apologize if this isn’t the right place for this type of post. If that’s the case, please let me know.

I am currently traveling in Japan with some friends and we have tickets for BOSJ at Korakuen Hall on Monday. My friends don’t follow wrestling, but they are down for this so it should be fun. I myself mostly follow AEW and WWE, so I know a bit about NJPW’s top guys but not much about the juniors. Hoping y’all can help get me up to speed!

1. Any major storylines that I should know about?

2. Is there anyone who should be considered the “favorite”?

3. Anyone else particularly interesting whom you would recommend keeping an eye on? Maybe someone that wrestles a fun style that’s more appealing to the non-fans in my group?

4. Any way to see the card ahead of time?

5. Anything else to keep in mind when going to a show? Like etiquette? I’ve noticed the NJPW crowds don’t seem as rowdy as American crowds. We’re not planning to get smashed, but ok for us to have a few drinks beforehand? Or would that be poor form?


by js1216

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