Last day at school had a wild finish.

I’ve been an ALT in this town for three years. A couple weeks ago I put in my two week notice because I’m returning to the US Navy. After my last class at this elementary school finished, I opened the classroom door that someone had conspicuously closed, and I came face to face with the entire ~100 strong student body lined up on either side of the hallway like Navy side boys. They wrapped down the stairs and then stretched all the way to the school entrance.

As if that wasn’t enough, the school started blasting Anchors Aweigh over the PA system and students were saluting and shaking my hand as I walked by. Each grade presented me with flowers and pictures and letters as I progressed through the line, and at the end of it all, by the school entrance, the principal was waiting for me and shook my hand and told me I could go home early.

The school was told today would be my last day less than 24 hours ago…

Whole thing honestly felt like a fever dream. I’m still in shock that 1) somebody amongst the school staff knew about and had a copy of Anchors Aweigh and that 2) they actually played it.

by Kobebeef1988

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